Cruel Fate

Inspired by Space Mutiny and Mystery Science Theater.
Go watch it.
First preview of a new piece I've been putting off for a while now. Some edits and details to be added

Dueling Unicorns for Sharpie Stained

Just finished a really awesome project for my friend Miranda B. to promote new Sharpie Stained Fabric Markers, it was a really great piece to work on and I suggest you all go out and get a pack of these markers!

Sweet Petes Poster (work in Progress)

This is an update of what I've been working on lately!
Sweet Petes is putting on a bike photo contest, opening up sometime in the spring, so apart from looking forward to some nice weather you can get thinking about some sweet bikes.
Poster is based of the concept of "sweets"
* All dates stated are not official. Only placeholder.*

Spills and Thrills

A little something created in Etobicoke with another amazing artist Megan Bray.
Follow her work on Facebook

Photoshop Experimentin'

Cover and an inside back cover design for a Volcom Snowboarding catalog project I'm working on.

I used photoshop heavily for these designs which is something new for me, I really got into digitally painting the sky and using layer masks to create the clouds.

Really excited about using these techniques in future work!

Sustainable Cites of The Future Charette

For the past five days I have been participating in a design charette. It is an intensive design initiative held by George Brown College. I along with my fellow studio lab Graphic Design partners worked with the Institute Without Boundaries grad students and collaborated with Advanced Digital Imaging students as well as some new and amazing creatives from Copenhagen in Denmark.
We all divided into four teams of 10 - 12 and worked intensively to come up with 4 programs to help bring sustainability to Markham On.
My group created an investor/cyclist sponsorship program to help promote biking as a mode of transportation for commuters and residents. The breakdown of this program is that large companies and investors sponsor section of major roadways in Markham to bring funding to help build bike lanes and continue upkeep.
The cyclists part in the program is to use social media, mainly twitter to document problems and create a communication between commuters.
The program is designed as an app for smart phones which documents the cyclists route, distance and CO2 saved by biking. The cyclist can instantly upload photos of obstructions in roads and interesting or funny events that might happen to them during their trip. The information provided by the cyclist not only is posted to the online community but is also sent to the city of Markham to archive and correct.

I am so lucky to have been able to work with such amazing people and designers all weekend! Below is the kiosk presentation and branding that I had the pleasure to create!

Some Fine Lookin' Kids

Some preliminary work for a work in progress project. I'm planning on converting them to digital work and then colorizing them. There was some talk of making us into zombies......
Pen on marker paper approx. 20" x 8.5"